2008 4/28 (一) 下午 3 點(莫斯科時間)的時候,t.A.T.u. 在俄國召開了關於電影「Finding t.A.T.u.」的記者招待會。還談到了許多 t.A.T.u. 今年的專輯發行計劃。
t.A.T.u.官方 YouTube 上傳了 45 分鐘完整的記者招待會,不過沒有字幕:
比利時歌迷 anneke 歌迷整理出了訪問大意,中國歌迷 losttatu 中譯:
* Movie won't be in the compition, but will be showed May 19th in Cannes where cinematographs and press can see the movie.
——電影將於 5 月 19 日在坎城影展首映,但不會參與比賽。
* the scenario was remade 12 times.
——劇本總共修改了 12 次。
* post production took 8 months
——後期製作花費了 8 個月的時間。
* about modern youth
* some problems with scandals around Misha Barton
* they were not sure whether to shoot in LA or not
* musical movie
* in the first place music from Tatu. It will be new songs. They'll make an original sound track.
——電影中所有歌曲都採用 t.A.T.u. 的新歌。將製作一張電影原聲帶。
* at the moment the movie will have 6 new Tatu songs. On the seperate disk (soundtrack) there will probably be even more.
——用在電影中的 t.A.T.u. 新歌總共 6 首。原聲帶中可能會收錄更多歌曲。
* High Definition technology was used to shoot the movie, shooted for the biggest screen.
* The DVD will have bonus material.
——電影 DVD 中會收錄特別內容。
* Girls in the movie will go to a tatu concert, where Tatu will sing the new song You and I (Ti i Ya). The movie will be called "Ti i Ya/ V poiskah Tatu"
——電影中會有主角去看 t.A.T.u. 演唱會的一幕。t.A.T.u. 在演唱會上演唱了新歌 You and I (Ti i Ya)。電影的俄文名字是"Ti i Ya/ V poiskah Tatu" 。
* movie for the international market, the movie will be sold on foreig territories, meaning all foreign territories, apart from the US
* they haven't sign an exclusive contract with a distributor yet, that should happen not later than May 15th. They have lots of choices, some major distributors are interested
——電影發行商還沒有最終敲定,但肯定會在 5 月 15 日前簽約。許多大公司都有興趣購買。
* The name is "You and I/Finding Tatu", but the distributor gets to decide on the title for the different places where they'll show the movie
——電影的英文名確定為 "You and I / Finding Tatu",但在電影賣出後將由發行公司根據各地的情況取不同的名字。
* He hopes that a television channel in Russia will buy the movie later on and show it on television.
* Scandals aren't important for Tatu anymore. The most important is now to bring live music with their musicians
——t.A.T.u. 不再用新聞炒作自己。她們現在最關心的是如何做好 Live 音樂。
* They thought the movie was a great offer and wanted to try this experiment as actrices
——t.A.T.u. 覺得這部電影對她們來說是很好的嘗試,今後也有意願朝影視界發展。
* budget for the movie was 20 million
——電影的預算是 2 千萬 (美元)
* In Cannes for there will also be a special event, a live Tatu concert on the beach after showing the movie. Live music, with the musicians, good lightning. This also draws the attention of the organisers of the orginisers of the film festival.
——在坎城還有一個特別事件,在電影首映後 t.A.T.u. 將會很快在海灘邊舉辦一場現場音樂會。這也引起坎城影展主辦方的關注。
* Why Tatu? It's the only Russian band that have such a popularity abroad, in the West as well as the East
——為什麼選擇 t.A.T.u.?因為這是唯一一支在國際上大受歡迎的俄國樂團,不論是西方還是東方。
* The album has been strongly postponed, because they aren't working with a record label now. They release a disk by themselves for the first time and it brings a lot of work and unfortunatly they couldn't make the planned release date. The album will come out end of May/beginning of June.
—— t.A.T.u. 的新專輯發行日被耽誤得相當嚴重,因為她們現在沒有和唱片公司合作,從沒有自己發行過唱片的她們遇到很多問題以致無法確定確切的發行日期。新專輯將在 5 月底 6 月初發行。
* In a few days BP single will be released.
——“白色長袍” 單曲即將發行。
* English album in autumn.
* 220 video next week
——220 的 MV 下周首播。
* They were invited to the competition and for the outside of competition. They didn't go for the competition because they weren't prepared to take part in such a format, it's not a festival film
* The movie being showed in Cannes means a good place to present it and a way to let people see that Russia is also present. All the important people will be there, people with connections to the cinema, distributors
* A lot still depends on the distributor
* print and advertisement is done by the distributor
* Misha agreed to a relatively normal payment. Young people always want to work with famous directors
* At the end of the movie they have a concert where they sing the song that Lana and Jenny wrote
——電影的結尾,t.A.T.u. 演唱了由故事主角 Lana 和 Jenny 為她們寫的歌曲。
* Lena and Yulia don't have much parts, but tatu is always there in the movie, music, conversations, dreams of the fans, ...
——電影中 Lena 和 Yulia 的戲份雖然不多,但整部電影都貫穿著她們的歌曲,都在談到 t.A.T.u.,歌迷對她們的談論等等。
* The two fans buy a ticket for the ocncert and find out it false. They then end up in a Moscow club and then everything starts that will happen in the rest of the movie. At the end they don't find Tatu, Tatu finds them
——電影中的主人翁一開始買了 t.A.T.u. 演唱會的門票卻發現是假票。她們不得不去一家莫斯科的俱樂部,然後故事由此開始。最後不是她們找到了 t.A.T.u.,是 t.A.T.u. 找到了她們。
* The movie is just wonderful (:p)
* post production took place in LA, it's easier to work there, they have all the facilities + the director and other people were Americans but audio dubs were don in Moscow
* Shooting took place in LA and Moscow (?? not sure)
* RAMCO already worked with Roland Joffe for 'Captivity'
—— RAMCO(這是拍 "Finding t.A.T.u." 這部電影的俄美合資電影公司。) 已經在電影《窒命寫真》中與導演 Roland Joffe合作過了。
Thanks Max,Arnaudfrenchy,artur-poland,Fanta,Odette,anneke,wojo134 from